Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Writer's Duty!

Hello all, how are you doing today? I have been away a while. Volunteering and doing community work a whole lot recently and I must say I find it enthralling to discover that I can actually do some of the things I have done over the last couple of weeks nay months. When we say we do not have the time to do the things we really want to for humanity, that is tantamount to lying to ourselves.

P-R-I-O-R-I-T-Y is the word. If you think it as important, then you will find the time to volunteer for that cause,project, or charity especially as it affects humanity positively.

Now, back to the subject of this post. I was somewhere recently,a very intellectual gathering that doubled as a Book Reading. One of the keynote speakers challenged me with his address on the duties of a writer in our today's globalized environment. I guess my view on the writer's duties and responsibilities broadened and leaped to a new horizon.

Writers are catalysts and change agents, positive change! This cannot be over-emphasized. We have a duty not just to tell the truth at all times, but to embed culture and unity in whatever we write (even when we delve into fiction). We embed all of these in very altruistic manners because we understand that they will go a long way in shaping thought patterns engendered at religious,social, economic, ethnic tolerance,etc.

Some folks even within the same geographical clime will only get to know about their countrymen that much from the stuff they read in books,journals,and newspapers/magazines. When we begin to understand all of these,we will see the importance of our duty and have a clearer vision of our responsibility.

We will be ardent at it. We are great catalysts for change!

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