Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Gratitude Challenge - Day 4 (September 20th, 2014)

And so am thankful for my country Nigeria. Sometimes it amazes me that the country is still one amidst all the happenstances. We must really have a pivotal role to play in the future of Africa and the world at large.

Am thankful for being a part of this great people and whatever my creed it is for being a Nigerian, someday soon I'll fulfill all of it.

GOD continually bless and keep my country.

Daniel Omizu-Ojadua
Twitter: @dannyomizu

Friday, May 20, 2016


I woke up early this morning with the clear cut intention to resume jogging even if it was for a few hundred metres around my neighbourhood. Getting to the end of my street, I told myself I could make it to the next pole by the express.And so it was, from pole to pole, I kept pushing myself and ran through almost every street in my neighbourhood covering a few kilometres. It wasn't the least bit an easy task especially for someone who had lost fitness over time due to irregular exercise routine but one thing kept me going - My mind. I kept telling my body that it could do it. I kept pushing hard. All through the run, I pondered on something I heard at an evening meeting some months back. The speaker had posed two very thoughtful questions.

"Ask the people around you who are close to you: What are the two things I should stop doing? What are the two things I should start doing?"

These two questions set off a chain reaction in my life. Without any iota of doubt, if I were to be truthful to myself I knew what I had to do and stop doing. The first person I asked these questions was myself and I answered in all honesty. The things I had to stop doping were habits that had become acceptable patterns over time, while the things I had to start doing were stuff that would tilt my life closer to my goals e.g exercising often, eating healthy, reading more, setting targets, starting new ventures and seeing them through, learning not to give up on people, being more resilient and enterprising.

The last two months has seen me come close to these targets. My body has been able to do new things I never imagined I could do so soon. I guess this was largely possible as the mind ruled it. It takes grace from The Supreme Being though and it starts from a conscious decision to willfully subject the body under the mind.

Think about it, what is that one thing you are finding so hard to give up? What is that one thing you are trying to start? It could be a good habit, routine, venture, or lifestyle. The first step is telling yourself that it is possible. If you don't believe  something is possible, you will never be able to do it.

Believe! It's mind over matter.