Tuesday, December 31, 2013

And So The Year Wraps Up!

My good people, we all made it. In a few hours (precisely three), we shall be wishing each other happy new year.

To all who have taken time out of their busy schedules to visit my blog, my friends and family, colleagues, and those who have helped me on my literal journey, I say a big thank you. GOD bless you.

One of my last acts this year was to get a facebook fan page. Please like and follow my page on facebook Daniel Omizu-Ojadua. You never know, you just might get an autographed copy of my book in your mailbox.

Happy New Year!!

Daniel Omizu-Ojadua

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Yuletide Folks!

Wishing all my friends and readers a lovely festive season. In the spirit of Christmas, we should endeavor to be of good to our fellow man. Go out there today, touch someone's life positively, share with someone and put a smile on their faces. That's what Christmas is all about - sacrifice and giving.

Here are links to some of my articles for Eky's Corner. Hope you enjoy reading.

Happy holidays!





Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Adding Zest to My Writing Career!

And so, I have been up to lots lately. Recently became a contributor to the lifestyle blog known as Eky's Corner. You should check them out - http://ekyshirley.blogspot.com

The blogger has made me do stuff in Pidgin English, all in the bid to encourage reading amongst our youths (ofcourse the translations follows most times).  Just yesterday, we got a new contributor. Her name is Itohan and she writes in pidgin as good as I do. Her first post could be found at http://ekyshirley.blogspot.com/2013/08/pidgin-tory-for-una-from-our-newest.html.

Hope you enjoy reading. Do find time to go through my other stuff there.

You are blessed for life!

Daniel Omizu-Ojadua
Twitter: @dannyomizu

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Children in Solitude!

I have been thinking alot lately about a grave injustice thriving in the land especially in certain parts of the Niger-Delta where kids who are accused of witchcraft and demon-possession are put through very excruciating conditions all in the name of reprisal.

Just two days ago, my friend Dupe who works at the Population Commission was out on duty to a children's home somewhere in Akwa Ibom and wat she saw was mind boggling. Some kid had been bathed in acid because they made  a confession.Another was lacerated. - And several others too. Heard of a little girl aged 5 who was confirmed a witch by a prophet and the dad locked her in a bare room to starve and die. She was rescued by neighbours after almost 2 weeks. At this time, you can imagine her condition - She was almost gone.

I think the time has come for us as a people to overcome certain myths and live like normal humans who have value for life. For heaven's sake, these kids are our future. One of them could be the president tomorrow. Hasn't it crossed the minds of the tormentors that the evil spirits actually wants to terminate these kids' lives and future and that they (tormentors) are willing tools and accomplices?

What even irks me the most is that some of these so-called 'prophets' who are supposed to be a rat of hope and good tidings would be the ones to allow this death sentence on innocent wards. This is a wake-up call. What these kids need is deliverance and re-integration into the larger society.

I shall continually write. Please spread the word and save our future generation.

Yours truly,

Daniel Omizu-Ojadua