Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Adding Zest to My Writing Career!

And so, I have been up to lots lately. Recently became a contributor to the lifestyle blog known as Eky's Corner. You should check them out - http://ekyshirley.blogspot.com

The blogger has made me do stuff in Pidgin English, all in the bid to encourage reading amongst our youths (ofcourse the translations follows most times).  Just yesterday, we got a new contributor. Her name is Itohan and she writes in pidgin as good as I do. Her first post could be found at http://ekyshirley.blogspot.com/2013/08/pidgin-tory-for-una-from-our-newest.html.

Hope you enjoy reading. Do find time to go through my other stuff there.

You are blessed for life!

Daniel Omizu-Ojadua
Twitter: @dannyomizu